  • 巴黎
  • 法国
  • 办公室
  • 2020年4月
  • 环境、社会和治理


A characterful, 19th century office building in the heart of 巴黎.

Interior of the bilding contain both antique 和 modern style


克里希街25号是历史悠久的th century office building in the heart of the tech cluster of 巴黎, 靠近中央商务区. The property was significantly renovated in 2012 和 has its own underground car park with a very high parking space per square meter ratio as well as a private garden 和 auditorium, among many other unique selling points for single-tenant use. It also has excellent connections 和 is within a five-minute walk to Gare St Lazare providing access to the 巴黎 Métro, 高铁与干线铁路连接, making it a well located 和 connected urban office building.


25 Rue de Clichy is located in one of the most attractive investment markets in Europe, with a large number of high-tech companies in the immediate vicinity. 在2017年底被收购时, the property was rented at rates well below the market level, 剩余租期很短. The LaSalle E-REGI team believed that there was significant unrealized value in the building, 2020年初, a new nine-year lease was signed with a top-quality tenant at a rate that reflected the asset’s true value. The tenant has commenced large refurbishments to develop highest-st和ard office space with state-of-the-art technology facilities.


25 Rue de Clichy has been certified as “Excellent” by BREEAM due to its strong environmental credentials.


巴黎克里希街25号 is part of the LaSalle E-REGI portfolio

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